Your online platform for student career pathway management.
Why choose Career Central?
Customised to suit year 9 to 12 students.
Intuitively designed and easy to use.
Ongoing, free Zoom and email support.
Improves Careers Department Efficiency.
Store student data in one place.
Generate lists and reports easily.
Keep track of students involved in programmes like work experience.
Collect destination data and communicate with past students.
Record and share interview notes.
Enables delivery of Personalised Planning.
Access to all individual career plans.
Groups students for targeted communication.
Ensures no student misses out on relevant, or, receives irrelevant, information.
Encourages School-wide Participation.
24/7 access on any device.
SSO logins for staff and students.
Provide information to empower staff to have career conversations.
Deliver career education online, the way that students expect.